Hello! Here’s what’s happening on Thursday.

1. US President Donald Trump said he would walk out of talks with Kim Jong Un if they aren’t “fruitful.” Trump also kept open the possibility of scrapping the summit before it begins.

2. UK Prime Minister Theresa May will be forced to negotiate a deal which keeps Britain in the customs union. May wanted to leave the customs union because it would limit Britain’s ability to strike its own free trade deals.

3. Cuba nominated its first non-Castro leader since 1959. Miguel Diaz-Canel was proposed in Cuba’s parliament as the sole candidate to replace Raul Castro, who is stepping down after 10 years in office.

4. China said it's ready to deal with any US trade fallout. China's commerce ministry said tariff hikes on US imports will not heavily impact Chinese industries overall.

5. Intelligence sources claimed Israel was behind a major airstrike in Syria. Israel has officially remained quiet about their involvement, but if true this could be the first sign of direct conflict between Iran and Israel.

6. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte personally ordered an Australian nun be detained and investigated. The 71-year-old nun was detained on Monday after taking part in human rights missions that allegedly violated the country's sovereignty.

7. Tesla's Model 3 struggles have traders paying record prices to protect against a stock drop. Traders are paying close attention to the highest premium on record to protect against a 10% decline in Tesla's stock over the next month.

8. Facebook is changing its terms to protect 1.5 billion fewer users under the EU's new privacy regulations. The proposed law seeks to restrict what companies can do with people's online data.

9. SpaceX launched a planet-hunting NASA space telescope. The telescope, called the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), may find thousands of worlds relatively close to Earth.

10. An Icelandic bitcoin-heist suspect escaped jail and fled the country on the prime minister's plane. The suspect is one of 11 people who were arrested in connection with the theft of 600 computers across data centres in Iceland.

And finally...

China's largest trade fair is the size of 71 Walmart Supercenters, where buyers go to stock the world's shelves with toys, TVs, and toilets - here's what it's like.